Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We're Abnormal

I can't tell you how many times I have had people call us and say, "I am looking for a new website. I was working with this other person and they are just so unreliable that I think I need to find someone new. It takes them weeks - if not months - to get changes made to my site. Is this normal?"

If this is "normal", then Tarte Advertising is "abnormal" and that is fine by me. One of our top priorities in our business is customer service - making sure our clients are taken care of in a timely manner to the best of our abilities. It is sad to us to get these phone calls because the potential client has a bad taste in their mouth because someone else wasn't responsible enough to take care of the job the right way, the first time.

When a client asks us for changes to their website, we let them know when those changes will be made, and most of the time the changes are complete before the deadline. We set deadlines and we stick to them.

The next time your web developer or designer or copywriter or PR person can't give you a timeline and says they will "get to it soon", nail them down. Make them give you a solid deadline and when they can't meet that deadline, think really hard about if this is the right person to be working with. If you decide they aren't, give Tarte Advertising a call and let us show you the difference.


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