Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Reasons To Use An Agency - especially Tarte Advertising, Inc.

1. Tarte believes that people should do what they are good at and not try to do everything. Let us take care of the advertising, marketing and PR so that you can do what you are good at – running your business.

2. It can and will save you money in the long run.

3. We have resources and contacts that you need to help grow your business.

4. You have enough to do without worrying about negotiating rates with themedia.

5. We are great at what we do and we want to make you look great too.

6. We will help you stay on target, on budget and on time.

7. You won’t need to meet with or answer calls from sales reps anymore – we will take care of that for you.

8. We keep up with the trends in your industry to make sure that you are on top of things.

9. We keep up with the trends in the advertising industry to make sure that your advertising is the most effective.

10. We are experts at what we do.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Advertising is NOT going away - despite the economy

The past few weeks have brought about a fear to many Americans – many of whom are business owners. We are seeing businesses tightening their payrolls, if not closing their doors for good. Am I concerned – yes. But do I think we (Tarte) are going anywhere – no. And neither is advertising as a whole industry. Will some of our tried and true advertising methods be more difficult to utilize – absolutely, but we are creative people, a creative agency, and we will find creative (and effective) methods to help our clients through this unstable time in history. We are going to have to think outside the box a bit more and I believe that viral marketing, guerrilla marketing and WOM is going to become even more important than it has already become in the past decade. There will be some, if not many, who will not be able to ride it out, but Tarte believes that “prior planning prevents poor performance” and we are planning now with our clients. 2009 is right around the corner and we know things will be different for us and our clients than what we have seen and experienced in 2008. However, we are thinking and acting positively about these changes. We are excited about brainstorming new campaigns and digging down deep for new answers and methods. We love being creative and this is just another extension of it for Tarte. Other businesses may be leaving the market, but Tarte is here to stay and we believe, so is advertising.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Communication is Key

Yesterday was the fourth day without internet access and although I knew that I depended on email quite a bit, I am now acutely aware of it since I did not have it. I came in to work yesterday thinking “I can’t do anything without internet access”, and while things were running much slower than normal, things are at least still moving. One thing I did much more of yesterday is making phone calls – to vendors, partners, freelancers and clients. So many of these people I email on a daily or weekly basis and rarely “talk” to them. It was actually nice – and my clients really enjoyed “hearing” from their agency.

Communication is so key to our business whether through email, phone, fax or face to face. The more we know about what is going on with our clients (new hires, new products, new competition, sales increases/decreases, upcoming sales, changes in business processes, etc) the better we can do our job which is to help you communicate and connect with your target audience. Sure, we have clients that are so busy they can only “chat” once a month, but the clients we communicate with more regularly, seem to reap the benefits of Tarte Advertising much more wholly.

While actually picking up the phone and dialing a number may be becoming slightly “ancient”, I do believe it is something people enjoy and find important every once in a while and I am going to make it a point to do more often.